Although Eagle Island State Park, in Eagle, ID offers a popular swimming beach, a grassy picnic area, a waterslide, zip line course which consists of six zip lines. The State Park also features one of the state’s first quick jumps, which is a parachute simulated leap-off of a 60-foot tower. With all that said, we […]
Raw Pumpkin, Cooked and Pumpkin Seeds: In a never ending search for healthy treats or to just jazz up that daily bowl of kibble or on a raw food diet. Pumpkin is not only tasty but has wonderful health benefits for your dog or cat. The internet is full of pumpkin treat recipes or you […]
The holiday season is a wonderful time of year and full of food delights. This is also the season to make sure our pets do not partake in the wrong types of food, “treats” that can endanger their health. Happy and safe holidays – Eli Enki Chocolate— The most famous of these dangers is chocolate, […]
Treats or snacks of fruits and veggies offer tasty, low-calorie options. Here is a list on the Best and Worst for your Dog or Cat. Remember slow and easy when introducing any new foods to your pet’s diet. Might consider consulting with your veterinarian when changing or adding anything to your pet’s diet. – Eli Enki […]
If there is a doggie heaven it is full of bones as for a dog a raw bone with a little meat on the bone and full of bone marrow is heaven on earth. I won’t give advice if bones are safe for your particular dog as that’s your job. I will say when it […]